Obdedience To Scripture
We give because God told us to. We give because we desire to cultivate generosity within ourselves - and where our money goes, our hearts are sure to follow. Obedience will always precede epiphany, so we give even when we don't desire to give, in the hope that God will honor our obedience by creating within us that very desire.
A Sense Of Gratitude
We give because it is an act of worship. If we are clear about who the owner really is, we give out of pure joy and appreciation that we have anything at all. Giving is no less an act of worship than singing songs of praise or seeking God in prayer - it is a direct act of faith in the character of God, about which we are singing or praying to.
Building A Eternal Kingdom
We give because we recognize that nothing we have can last forever, but that wehave the opportunity to use these fleeting things to contribute to something that can. God can and will use our finite resources to accomplish his eternal purposes. We give because, ultimately, the only way to take our wealth with us into eternity is to give it away while we're still here on earth.